play video healthy vs healthful
Commonly Confused

Healthy vs. Healthful

Why both words are equally good for you.

Why both words are equally good for you.

Up next

play video healthy vs healthful
Healthy vs. Healthful


Why both words are equally good for you.

play further vs farther video
Further vs. Farther


They started as same word, but their meanings have drifted apart over time.

play there theyre their video
There, They're, Their


There, there. We'll sort it out.

play video drive safe ly
Drive Safe: In Praise of Flat Adverbs


You don't have to end all your adverbs in -ly to talk right.

play video literally


A word that (literally) drives people nuts

play woman and dog illustration
'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'?


We're gonna stop you right there